
请细看WA会员费调至$495/年,5月11号前享$299/年,首先,你不必被标题给吓着,wealthy affiliate 涨价后,照样是有搞头的,它也称为WA,将在2020年5月11号过后,对于平常时间加入WA成为的高级会员,年付价格将涨至$495/年;但在5月1号到5月11号之间,你也可以抓紧时间成为高级会员,享受和黑色星期五一个价格即$299即可成为WA的高级会员。

首先,你不必被标题给吓着,wealthy affiliate 涨价后,照样是有搞头的,它也称为WA,将在2020年5月11号过后,对于平常时间加入WA成为的高级会员,年付价格将涨至$495/年;但在5月1号到5月11号之间,你也可以抓紧时间成为高级会员,享受和黑色星期五一个价格即$299即可成为WA的高级会员




WA会员费上调是已经酝酿 了快一年了,今天总算收到了消息通知,并且在WA会员中心Kyle已经发了博客告诉人们,为什么会员的价格有这些变化,你也可以直接阅读WA官方的原文了解为什么会有这些变化。

总的来说,会员费价格上调是wealthy affiliate为了更好的发展,但运营成本,人力成本的增加也是一个因素,WA上涨会员价格,并不意味着服务质量,提供的工具保持不变;相反,WA会进行一系列更加丰富的优质服务。



  • 免费的com域名。新会员可以在WA上建立10个顶级域名的网站,com域名不需要花钱注册了。
  • 50美元的社区信用。您可以将这些信用额度用于Wealthy Affiliate的SiteComments / SiteFeedback平台,以便吸引您的网站参与和网站审核。
  • 月付相当于有$93的折扣(本质上是购买10个月,免费获得2个月)
  • WA视频培训


wealthy affiliate $495




  • SiteBuilder
  • 网站内容
  • 网站评论
  • SiteHealth
  • SiteSpeed Extreme
  • 网站支持
  • 网站电邮
  • 站点域
  • SiteMove


速度,安全性和可靠性都是我们托管的重点,也是您可以确信自己的网站位于业界最安全,最快的Managed WordPress托管平台上的原因。与高级会员资格中的托管服务相比,您的托管费用为每月250美元(或每年2,000美元以上)。



在您的高级会员资格下,您可以访问Jaaxy Lite,它使您可以进行无限制的关键字搜索,字母汤搜索,并可以访问SiteRank等其他平台,以及关键字/网站/利基研究活动的其他关键功能。


  • 关键词搜索
  • 关键字清单管理
  • 搜索分析
  • SiteRank
  • 字母汤工具
  • 头脑风暴的想法





  • 在线企业家认证(共50课)
  • 会员训练营(所有70节课程)
  • 每周培训更新(教程,视频,实时课程)
  • 访问所有将来的高级培训内容
  • 访问所有专家博客文章(每周成吨的价值)




  • 每年52次每周现场课程(价值100%)
  • 上课时间超过400小时
  • 无限级重播
  • 客串现场课程




  • 亲自访问Kyle&Carson
  • 通过多种媒介获得社区的帮助
  • 私人通讯/辅导访问






  • 与各种技能的人建立网络并进行交流
  • 建立关系和伙伴关系
  • 与一些“利基”相关合作伙伴的合资企业
  • 世界上最大的会员营销社区(目前有220万会员)




如果您是Wealthy Affiliate的会员,则按新的每年$ 495的价格收取的年度佣金也将上升。新的高级会员年费为每年235美元(以前为每年175美元)。

为了让您对收入有多丰厚的看法,如果您每天可以设置一定数量的Premium Yearly推荐人,让我们看一下按年收入计算的潜在佣金。

1每年保费每年 = 每年 $ 85,775 $ 2每年保费每年 =每年$ 171,550 $ 5每年每年保费 =每年$ 428,875 $ 10每年每年保费 =每年$ 857,750

这没有考虑经常性佣金,因此它们会更高。您每天将如何做1次Premium年销售?10点怎么样 潜力是无限的!



Premium Yearly Price Change, Innovation, & An Offer.

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to reach out today to let you know about some pricing updates that are going to be taking place at Wealthy Affiliate.

I know, this does feel like a crazy time to even be considering a price increase but the reality is that we have been planning this pricing update for almost a year. We also understand that these are strange economic times and we certainly are considering that with every decision we make now.

In Vegas this year at our Super Affiliate Conference we had a lengthy conversation about our plans to raise our Premium Yearly pricing. It is not a move to “make more money” rather a measure we need to take to align price with value (and to add more intrinsic value), but in all reality we haven raised our yearly price in 15 years…meanwhile have invested millions into the platform here and continue to do so.

BUT, We Want to Do Something Special For YOU…

We are going to be doing something special for you though. We realize that this price increase, the Premium Yearly price point, as valid or as warranted as it may be, may be deemed as being a bit insensitive. The reality is that we are completely aware of the hard times brought on by this for many, and the fact that many people are also looking for an outlet to build an income or a secondary income within the online world.

We took both of these into consideration when we decided to relaunch our Black Friday pricing for ONE FINAL time. So here is how this offer is going to work.

If you upgrade to Premium Yearly before May 11th and 11:59PM PST, you are going to get the Black Friday pricing on your membership. This means $299 per year for Premium, or broken down this works out to be less than $0.83 per day!

===> Get the Black Friday Pricing, Only $299 For a Year of Premium Until May 11th!

This includes absolutely everything within premium, all future premium updates, 52 live classes in the next year, all the training updates that are going to be taking place, and the platform innovations and updates that are slated for the upcoming 12 months. We have an amazing launch schedule slated for the year ahead.

But, we wanted to spice up the deal so I am also going to be doing a Live Class discussing my thoughts on the state of the internet business world, and ultimately how to thrive within an economic crisis.

BONUS: Create a Thriving Internet Business During an Economic Crisis

We have yet to see anything like the current pandemic, not in our lifetime and hopefully never again. There is a lot of good coming out of this however, and I am going to spend an hour explaining not only how to succeed in the midst of this crazy atmosphere, but how to thrive.

There are certain industries that are going to benefit the most from this, but there are things that you should be doing during this time to set yourself up for a much more successful “post pandemic” business. Let’s get prepared, and let’s tackle this entire covid-19 pandemic and come out on top. We are in this together.


  • The subtle short and long term impacts I anticipate
  • The 5 niches that are going to benefit greatly from this and why
  • How to navigate your business through an economic downturn
  • The 3 types of business you want to operate during a pandemic
  • Why the affiliate marketing business is going to thrive for years because of this
  • Strategies for being efficient in a “quarantined’ working environment
  • The new face of e-commerce and how to capitalize on it (plus Amazon’s latest changes)
  • Setting up for a thriving “post pandemic” business
  • Full Q & A with Kyle (answered live)

So if you want to take advantage of this final “lowest ever” pricing, we are giving you 11 days to take advantage of this. After that, our Premium Yearly pricing is going up.

===> Get the Black Friday Pricing, Only $299 For a Year of Premium Until May 11th!

If you are currently on a yearly membership, you don’t have to worry and you will also get access to my upcoming Live Class.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: You are grandfathered into your existing price and you will not be subject to a price increase moving forward if you are already a yearly member, or if you take us up on this offer. If you are a Starter member or a Premium member, you can take advantage of this offer and move to the $299 Premium Yearly pricing, as well as get access to my upcoming bonus Live Class.

After May 11th, the new pricing at Wealthy Affiliate will look like this:

  • Premium Yearly = $495 per year (NEW PRICE)
  • Premium Bi- Yearly = $234 per 6 months (REMOVED)
  • Premium Monthly = $49 per month (UNCHANGED)
  • First Month Premium Monthly Offer = $19 First Month (UNCHANGED)

As you can see, the monthly pricing and first month bonuses are not impacted by this. The bi-yearly pricing is no longer available, and the yearly price has a new price structure.

Before I get into discussing the new $495 pricing and new perks to going yearly, I want to give you some insights into exactly what you are getting at Wealthy Affiliate as a Premium member and the incredible value we have planned for you in the year ahead.

The New Premium Yearly Pricing – Why It Makes Sound Consumer Sense

Although the Premium Yearly price is going up a bit, the offer is getting “juicer” to become Premium. It made sense to go Premium before, and based on industry standards and price points it is going to be a “no brainer” to take us up on our new Premium Yearly offer.

The new Premium Yearly is going to be $495 per year as indicated, but we are going to be introducing some new perks associated with going yearly. The Premium Yearly is going to include:

  • Free .com Domain. You get domain credits for a .com domain when you upgrade.
  • $50 in Community Credits. You can use these credits towards the SiteComments/SiteFeedback platforms at Wealthy Affiliate so you can get engagement on your website, and website audits.
  • $93 discount on paying month to month (Essentially buying 10 months, getting 2 months free)
  • My Video Bonus

Each year that you stay on as a Premium Yearly member you will get these perks when your membership recurs. This means that both domain and community credits will come with your yearly membership in an ongoing basis if you are at the $495 Premium Yearly price.

Let’s just have another look at the incredible value that Premium members are getting here within WA.

An Industry Leading Website Platform. The website platform here at WA works seamlessly with other operations that are conventionally disconnected from your website and business. Everything from the content creation, the management of your overall “health” of your website, comments/engagement, your ability to get website audits on the fly, managing emails, moving websites (and creating staging environments), as well as your ability to get support from real server admins if you are needing help…and within 5 minutes.

The world-class hosting experience continues to evolve with new integrations and updates to make management of your website/business completely seamless and “tech” free. Here are just some features that you have access to within the Websites platform here.

  • SiteBuilder
  • SiteContent
  • SiteComments
  • SiteHealth
  • SiteSpeed Extreme
  • SiteSupport
  • SiteEmail
  • SiteDomains
  • SiteMove

State of the Art Hosting. Speed, security, and reliability are all key focuses with our hosting and the reason why you can be confident that your websites are on the most secure and fastest Managed WordPress Hosting platform in the industry. Comparable hosting to what you get here within the Premium membership runs you at over $250 per month (or $2,000+ per year).

And OUR hosting is faster, on more powerful servers, and has had over 10 years of incremental improvements on the server side development to advance the technologies running your websites. Plain and simple, we are doing things that NO host in the industry is doing.

Jaaxy Research Tools. 
Within your Premium membership, you get access to Jaaxy Lite, which gives you unlimited keyword searches, alphabet soup searches, and access to other platforms like SiteRank among other key features for your keyword/website/niche research activities.

Here are just some features available to you within Jaaxy.

  • Keyword Search
  • Keyword List Management
  • Search Analysis
  • SiteRank
  • Alphabet Soup Tool
  • Brainstorm Ideas

We have a lot of planned innovation/evolution coming to the Jaaxy platform the months and year ahead that we are really excited about. Stay tuned for those, the first of these being released through the summer/fall months.

Unlimited Training. When you get access to WA, you are getting access to ongoing training updates/improvements, as well as new and timely resources. This includes training from us through tutorials/courses/challenges, as well as community contributed training from fellow affiliate marketers/entrepreneurs here within WA. Training updates are rolled out on a weekly basis.

Some training that you have access to as a Premium member are:

  • Online Entrepreneur Certification (all 50 Lessons)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp (all 70 lessons)
  • Weekly Training Updates (Tutorials, Videos, Live Classes)
  • Access to All Future Premium Training Content
  • Access to All Expert Blog Posts (tons of value weekly)

The training here at WA is something that we pride ourselves on and you are going to see some really exciting shifts in the upcoming months and year ahead! :)

Live Classes. Our “Live Events” platform has been a hit for many years, and continues to offer industry leading training to all Premium members on a weekly basis. Every week 1,000’s of members register for Jay’s (magistudios) live classes and get over an hour of action packed, pure value education. These include a full Q & A, and based on these alone, the value of a yearly membership is more than worth it!

  • 52 Weekly Live Classes Per Year (100% value)
  • 400+ Hours of Past Classes
  • Unlimited Class Replays
  • Cameo Live Classes

Expert Help. The community here is the resident community for some top affiliate marketers and internet entrepreneurs in the world. Not a moment will go by where you don’t have access to expert help either through the live chat platform, through the comment platform, your ability to ask questions, engage in valuable blog discussions or contact experts here privately. The Premium membership includes direct access to us as well (Kyle & Carson) if you ever need a hand.

Here are some expert help features within Premium.

  • Access Personally to Kyle & Carson
  • Help from the Community Through Many Mediums
  • Private Communication/Mentoring Access

No other platform or community in the world has this level of access. Literally thousands of years of experience are logging into WA and helping others every day.

Community/Networking. The same with expert access, is your ability to network, meeting, and build relationships with fellow entrepreneurs here. We are a global community here at WA with people from every country in the world, with all different levels of experience and interests that are interacting and networking every day.

Some wildly lucrative partnerships have been formed here, and it is a common reflection on the community when they say Wealthy Affiliate is full of the friendliest, most helpful, and forward thinking folks. ;)

You have the ability to network in an unlimited fashion as a Premium member:

  • Network and communicate with people of all levels of skill
  • Build relationships and partnerships
  • Joint Ventures with some “niche” related partners
  • The Largest affiliate marketing community in the world (currently over 2.2 million members)

And this is not to mention the outrageous value of premium we have planned for you in the year ahead. We are going to be advancing things to a new level, we have exciting shifts in terms of our platform technology, design, innovative releases, and evolution of existing platforms. With each day we move forward, we continue to evolve and improve our service for YOU….and you are the driving force behind our business.

===> Get the Black Friday Pricing, Only $299 For a Year of Premium Until May 11th!

Affiliate Commission Increase

If you are an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate, your yearly commissions on the new $495 yearly price are also going to be going up. The new Premium Yearly commission being $235/year recurring (formerly $175 per year).

To give you some perspective as to how lucrative this can be in terms of revenue, let’s look at potential commissions in terms of yearly revenue if you can make a set amount of Premium Yearly referrals per day.

1 Premium Yearly Per Day = $85,775 per year
2 Premium Yearly Per Day
 = $171,550 per year
5 Premium Yearly Per Day
 = $428,875 per year
10 Premium Yearly Per Day 
= $857,750 per year

This doesn’t take recurring commissions into consideration, so they would be much higher. What would you do to make 1 Premium yearly sale per day? How about 10? The potential is unlimited!

And remember, you are earning revenue promoting the best service and the best value service in the industry….not to mention that we will continue to get better with each day that we press forward (which has been the case for the last 15 years).

Our approach to our business is that the value will increase as we improve our service/platform. It becomes easier and easier with time to promote WA simply because we lead the industry, and we plan on keeping it this way. Our plans that we have already in full swing behind the scenes are truly going to take WA to the next level as we move into 2020/2021.

A Bright Future for Wealthy Affiliate Members

We have never been more confident in our approach or our vision here at Wealthy Affiliate. This was reaffirmed by the amazing group of folks that attended the 2020 conference down in Vegas this year alongside the constant feedback and pulse checks that we have from the community itself.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform has always been a living creature that evolves as time goes on and as we see room for improvement and advancement within our technology, our services, our education, and our lines of support. We take all of your/our ideas and we invest heavily in the platform here at Wealthy Affiliate.

2020/2021 is going to experience a lot of positive changes, ramping up for the NEXT DECADE ahead within the online world. This will be a decade of change, and one that we will be staying on top. Members here within Wealthy Affiliate are going to continue to have a competitive edge over the rest of the industry and be able to capitalize on all kinds of new opportunities. That is what we are truly so excited about.

This will include completely new services, a new user experience, new iterations to existing services, and the ability to remain flexible and elastic to any changes that take place. The future is bright, and we want you all to be a part of this.

If you are currently not a Yearly Premium member, now is your opportunity to get the lowest price ever and a price lower than our price 15 years ago when we started. This offer will be good until May 11th at 11:59PM PST, so if you are interested in taking advantage of this (and getting my bonus class on May 15th), take advantage of this offer today!

===> Get the Black Friday Pricing, Only $299 For a Year of Premium Until May 11th!

If you have any questions about the offer, or any aspect of Wealthy Affiliate or the price increase, please leave them below. Also, if you want to share your positive experiences about what you have learned and/or accomplished here within WA for the past months or years, feel free to share those as well!

We are looking forward to an exciting 2020/2021 ahead. We are going to be taking our game, and your game to the next level with the developments we have planned!


Kyle (& Carson)





上一篇 2020-04-30 13:13
下一篇 2020-05-01 22:05


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