如果你第一次听说Wealthy Affiliate(简称WA),肯定不知道它是什么,江湖人士这篇Wealthy Affiliate是什么就来回答新手朋友,让你初步的了解Wealthy Affiliate是干什么的;在这里先给一个总结,Wealthy Affiliate是3年前开始做国外网赚时加入的一个联盟行销会员培训平台,更加准确的说法 Wealthy Affiliate 是一个开展在线业务教育平台,WA教会人们怎样在网上赚钱,创业,开展自己的在线业务。
Wealthy Affiliate是什么
本文引用了WA的一篇博客,我会逐步解析Wealthy Affiliate是什么,在这篇文章中也介绍了Wealthy Affiliate是什么这个话题,下面的内容就来自于WA上面的贴子。点击这里可以阅读原文。
Wealthy Affiliate is not just a business builder. It’s an education in entrepreneurship and finance, marketing and management, salesmanship, and leadership. In short, it’s the opportunity to learn every aspect of what it takes to run your own company or division of a larger enterprise.
Wealthy Affiliate 不仅仅是一个业务建造者(注:WA会员可以利用它提供的Site Builder创建自己的niche网站)。 这是关于创业(通常指网上开展在线业务)和金融、营销和管理、销售技巧和领导力的教育。 简而言之,这是一个学习经营自己的公司或大型企业部门所需的方方面面的机会。
This post is dedicated to highlighting the value of an education. It will give you some insight into how it can help your business, and what to think about before continuing in this journey. The business world is constantly changing. The economy, technology, and the newest innovations are all factors that make it difficult for entrepreneurs to stay on top of their game. That’s why Wealthy Affiliate created more than a business builder but a full education!
这篇文章致力于强调教育的价值。 它将让您深入了解它如何帮助您的业务,以及在继续此旅程之前需要考虑的事项。 商业世界在不断变化。 经济、技术和最新的创新都是使企业家难以保持领先地位的因素。 这就是为什么 Wealthy Affiliate 创造的不仅仅是业务建设者,而是全面的教育(或者说是培训,因为Wealthy Affiliate本身就是一个联盟,很多会员通过Wealthy Affiliate赚钱)!

You might be thinking, does this really need to be a blog post? What is there to say about education? That is where you are wrong. Education can encompass your entire business and include anything from the people that work for you, how you handle customer service requests, or even what products you offer.
您可能会想,这真的需要是一篇博客文章吗? 关于教育有什么可说的? 那就是你错的地方。 教育可以涵盖您的整个业务,包括为您工作的人员、您处理客户服务请求的方式,甚至您提供的产品等任何内容。
It goes well beyond just teaching someone something new and includes many other aspects of running a company. When you think of a business builder, what do you picture? A person who is knowledgeable about marketing and has a passion for entrepreneurship?
它不仅仅是教给某人一些新东西,还包括经营公司的许多其他方面。 当您想到业务建设者时,您会想到什么? 一个懂营销、对创业充满热情的人?
A man or woman with years of experience in the industry, capable of helping others succeed in their endeavors? Maybe. But did you know that there’s more to it than that? There are many aspects to being an entrepreneur and becoming successful – one must understand how money works as well as have knowledge in order to be able to make sound decisions.
在该行业拥有多年经验、能够帮助他人取得成功的男人或女人? 也许。 但是你知道吗? 成为一名企业家并取得成功有很多方面——一个人必须了解金钱是如何运作的,并且拥有知识才能做出正确的决定。

We all know that starting a business is tough. There are so many things to consider and it can be hard to get started. But what if you could have education in entrepreneurship? That’s exactly what Wealthy Affiliate offers with their online courses, More Than Just a Business Builder: An Education. This course will guide you through the process of building your business from start to finish, teaching you everything you need to know about entrepreneurship and how to build your brand!
我们都知道,创业是艰难的。 有很多事情要考虑,可能很难开始。 但是,如果您可以接受创业教育呢? 这正是 Wealthy Affiliate 通过其在线课程提供的内容,不仅仅是业务建设者:教育。 本课程将指导您完成从头到尾建立业务的过程,教您有关创业以及如何建立品牌所需的一切知识!
The first step is to build your website. While this may seem like the easiest part, it’s actually one of the most important. Having a functional site that looks good and functions well will be crucial in converting visitors into customers. It should also have an easy-to-read design with plenty of white space for added readability.
第一步是建立您的网站。 虽然这看起来是最简单的部分,但它实际上是最重要的部分之一。 拥有一个看起来不错且功能良好的功能性网站对于将访问者转化为客户至关重要。 它还应该具有易于阅读的设计,并带有大量空白以增加可读性。
注:在WA上创建网站非常的方便,正如文章开头提到的那样,当你成为WA会员后,使用WA提供的Site Builder工具非常方便的就创建自己的niche网站;免费的会员也是可以创建2个网站的,只不过是二级域名的网站而已。
The next step is to make sure you are using all the social media sites as tools for marketing and promotion. If you’re not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn then you are missing out on some serious opportunities!
下一步是确保您将所有社交媒体网站用作营销和促销工具。 如果您不在 Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 或 LinkedIn 上,那么您就错失了一些重要的机会!

Wealthy Affiliate = Harvard Business School Online
可以这么说,Wealthy Affiliate就是一个在线的哈佛商学院。
Every entrepreneur has a story. They have an idea for a product or service that they want to offer the world, and they are willing to do anything it takes to get there. For some people, their business is more than just a job; it’s their life.
每个企业家都有一个故事。 他们对想要向世界提供的产品或服务有想法,并且愿意不惜一切代价实现目标。 对于某些人来说,他们的业务不仅仅是一份工作; 这是他们的生活。
Entrepreneurship has been called “the new American dream,” but what does this mean? Does entrepreneurship represent an opportunity for financial freedom? Is entrepreneurship about self-expression as much as making money? The answer is yes!
创业被称为“新的美国梦”,但这意味着什么呢? 创业是否代表财务自由的机会? 创业与赚钱一样重要吗? 答案是肯定的!
Wealthy Affiliate 中文介绍
刚开始加入Wealthy Affiliate不久后我就启动了自己的niche网站,同时在本站发布了关于wealthy affiliate介绍内容,如果你看到这里,还想更多的了解WA,可以阅读Wealthy affiliate中文教程,现在就开始加入wealthy affiliate联盟开始你的赚钱之旅吧。