原文标题:2023 paxful交易所宣布停止运营无归期。paxful在4月份的时候宣布停止运营,让笔者小慌了一下,心想,泥马的,以后换刀妹儿不方便了,得另想法了,不过2个月后,6月份paxful又可以开始正常交易了。

Today, Paxful will be suspending its marketplace. We are not sure if it will come back.
This will probably come as a big shock to many. While I cannot share the full story now, I can say that we unfortunately have had some key staff departures. Also, regulatory challenges for the industry continue to grow, especially in the peer-to-peer market and most heavily in the U.S. While we work through these issues, we have taken the most secure option and ask you to explore self-custody and trade elsewhere.
The Paxful Wallet will be up for customers to retrieve their funds.
Right now, safeguarding customer funds is my biggest priority. Here is what I am doing:
All customer funds are all accounted for. Please withdraw them and if you can — self-custody. We recommend options such as Exodus Wallet and Muun Wallet.We’re offering an easy migration to other options for non-U.S. users to platforms like Noones — a new P2P company dedicated to the Global South. All the things you do on Paxful you can do on Noones, including:Lower trading feesOne of the cheapest walletsAn affiliate program even more generous than Paxful’s programA more efficient KYC processLocal dispute moderatorsA much friendlier TOS policy with no accounts being lockedI personally vouch for Noones, you can trust them
Bitnob — who makes it easy for Africans to connect with Bitcoin.
Ray Youssef
Paxful Founder and CEO
比特币P2P市场Paxful首席执行官Ray Youssef宣布Paxfu暂停运营,并称此次暂停可能是永久性的,同时提到了关键员工的离职和监管挑战。根据说明,Paxful钱包将保持活跃状态,以允许客户取回“全部入账”的资金。
Noones 是一款金融通讯超级应用程序,它通过将人们连接到全球对话(聊天)和世界金融系统(支付)来增强能力。全球南方的人们现在将能够自由地向任何人发送消息,在其市场上使用各种支付方式进行交易,并进行 p2p 支付(peer-to-peer)——所有这些都可以通过充当价值储存手段的比特币钱包实现。